Dr. S. Parthasarathy
- Engineering Doctorate from Grenoble, France.
- Affiliations:
- Senior Member, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers
- Life Fellow, Institution of Electronics and Telecommunications
Engineers (IETE), India.
- Affiliate Member, International Federation of Automatic Control
(IFAC), Austria.
- Excellent credentials and contacts in India and in Europe.
- Speaks English and French fluently (plus Tamil, Telugu, Hindi).
makes five languages !
And, as if these were not enough, he has also studied informally
seriously): Esperanto, Chinese (Cantonese) and German.
- Formerly with:
- R & D Centre of CMC Limited, Secunderabad, India
- Laboratoire d'Automatique de Grenoble, France
- Ecole des Mines de St. Etienne, France
- I.N.R.I.A., Rocquencourt, France
- C.N.R.S. Grenoble, France
- United Nations -- International Institute for Software Technology,
- Institute for Control Engg. and Automation (IFRA), Braunschweig,
- Associate Editor of Engineering Applications of Artificial
Pub.: Pergamon / Elsevier, U.K.
- Internationally known author of several technical and
popular publications.
- Active contributor to the Linux movement. This extremely
popular and useful
contribution to the Linux Document Project has been translated into
Dutch and French, and is distributed with many Linux distributions
- Award-winning Web designer and Reviewer
The IEEE Headquarters
based in USA,
awarded him the prestigious
IEEE Regional Activities Board
Achievement Award for
"outstanding achievement by providing excellent
web sites for the IEEE India Council and other Indian
Sections, for sharing views on technical, educational
and professional areas of interest to IEEE, thereby
promoting IEEE Membership."
- Runs his own Consultancy enterprise called
Algologic Research & Solutions
Algologic specialises
- Software engineering related to automation and control
- Safety-critical systems.
- Monitoring and control systems.
- Simulation.
- Standards.
- Applied formal methods.
- Web & Internet
Click here for more
information on Algologic. There is a lot of interesting details in
homepage of Algologic.
Do not miss it !
Consult an award-winning
For all your web-related problems,
web-page design, layout and structure
analysis, clustering, verification,
web-page reviews, search and indexing, standards compliance, browser
compatibility, and all related services ----
Contact Dr.
e mail:
Write to:
Dr. S. Parthasarathy
Algologic Research and Solutions
78 Sancharpuri Colony
Bowenpally P.O.
Secunderabad 500 011 - INDIA
Call: + 91 - 40 - 2775 1650
FAX: + 91 - 40 - 2775 1135
Filename: /misc/pagemast.htm
Last update: 2003-01-04